Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just Like Uncle Ezra

So two weeks ago we were at my Mom's for Father's Day and the boys keep saying how they wanted their hair cut just like Uncle Ezra. Well....finally, we gave in to the boys, and this is the result.

I guess it could have been worse. Alex, one of the twins, was so tired that when he was done, he felt his head, realized what he had done and fell to the ground in tears. Jason picked him up and held him within minutes he was asleep. Bryson, our one son who choose not to shave his head did so because as he put it, "It won't grow back." This comes because we tease Daddy about shaving his head and his response is, "Mine won't grow back. Thank you Ezra for at least having a "good" influence on the boys.


Family Life said...

I bet they look so cute with all their hair shaved off. I want to see some pictures.

Sandi said...

Jerusha, I got your blog from Becca Clayton, I hope that's ok. Visit mine anytime and hopefully we can keep in touch better. Talk to you soon, Sandi

annie valentine said...

Ah! You have a blog. How are you? Got your link from the Rutherford blog. So fun, have a good one.
